Tuesday 9 May (9 AM - 5 PM)
09:00 - 10:15 Presentation at Main Event
- Nodes portals (and other tools) - Update on ALA and Living Atlases (Dave Martin / ME Lecoq / Markus Skyttner /Manash Shah / Jörg H / Cristina Villaverde / Rui Figueira 30 minutes) - format: 3 slides max per speaker (not technical)
- Presentation of the community (CESP projects, COST, which countries are involved in the community, etc.) 10 minutes - ME Lecoq / Cristina V
- Presentation of CKAN-based Belgian Data Portal (André Heughebaert) 10 minutes
- Discussion and questions 10 minutes
10:15 - 10:30 Coffee break
From here on we break out into a parallel track and have a more technical focus
10:30 - 12:00 Session 1 (aim for 15 minute sessions)
- Introduce ALA and current status including deployments
- Docker Fundamentals - What is it and why use it?
- Compare deployment models (Ansible, Docker) and when each one is suitable
- Building and Releasing using Continuous Integration processes
- Current method using maven, github, Travis and GBIF maven repository
- Adaptations used in BioAtlas - make, docker, Docker Hub, Travis
- Changing and rolling out ALA components using Docker
- Customizing ALA components and packaging using Docker - experiences from BioAtlas.se in Sweden - for example building a Docker Image for the collectory service
- Upgrading individual ALA components to new releases - for example how to upgrad e only the collectory service, or to add non-core components to provide additional functionality such as HTTPS
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 14:15 Session 2 (with Skype for Spain and other interested parties)
- Experiences from internationalization (I18N) and national customizations of ALA modules - recommendations and lessons learnt from tools and practices used so far in national deployments - approx 30 minutes (15 minutes ME/Santiago presentation + 15 minutes of discussion and questions)
- Building a nationally customized taxonomic backbone based on the Atlas name indexing module - approx 45’ (15’ talk from Dave M + 15’ showing Swedish attempt + 15’ discussions)
14:15 - 15:30 Session 3 - “Non-core” components
- Adding “non-core” components to the system composition such as components that run backups etc (Markus S / Manash S)
- Tools for testing performance and scanning system components (Markus S)
- Integrating Mirroreum - a web-based biodiversity analysis platform for reproducible research (Markus S)
- ALA4R setup customized to use data from a national portal
15:30 - 15:45 Coffee break
15:45 - 17:00 Session 4 - Open Session
- Bring up relevant topics and current questions